Friday, December 30, 2011


Alhamdulillah.. the presentation goes very well.....
We've been advised by Dr.Fandy to add 1 function which is a query for search.

Below are the link that we had found to create a search engine in our Library Database.

~~~ STUDY WEEK ~~~

The exam will be on January8 at 9am.. G.O.O.D   L.U.C.K.!

A bunch of appreciation to En.Razak & Dr.Fendy for all the guidance and useful knowledge for these whole semester....

WEEK 15 - Introduction of Microsoft Access 2007

Microsoft Access has been around for some time, yet people often still ask me what is Microsoft Access and what does it do? Microsoft Access is a part of the Microsoft Office Suite. It does not come with all versions of Microsoft Office, so if you specifically want Microsoft Access make sure the office suite you are purchasing has it.

Microsoft Access has the look and feel of other Microsoft Office products, including its layout and navigational aspects. That is where the similarity ends. Microsoft® Access is a database and, more specifically, a relational database. This will be explained in more detail later.
Access has an .mdb extension by default, whereas Microsoft® Word has the .doc extension. Although this has changed in Access 2007 where the extension is now an accdb extension. Early versions of Access cannot read accdb extensions but Microsoft Access 2007 can read and change earlier versions of Access. The above is a bried overview of what is Microsoft Access. Now lets look at it in a bit more detail.

What is Microsoft Access made up of?

The Microsoft® Access Database is made up of 7 major components:
  • Tables;
  • Relationships;
  • Queries;
  • Forms;
  • Reports;
  • Macros;
  • Modules.
The following gives a quick overview of each component.

Tables - The tables are the backbone and the storage container of the data entered into the database. If the tables are not set up correctly, with the correct relationships, then the database may be slow, give you the wrong results or not react the way you expect. So, take a bit of time when setting up your tables.
Queries, forms, etc. are usually based on a table.
The tables that contain data look a bit like a table in Microsoft® Word or a Microsoft® Excel Spreadsheet, when opened. They have columns and rows as does a table in Microsoft® Word and an Excel worksheet. Each of the columns will have a field name at the top and each of the rows will represent a record.
As an example:
Table Example

Relationships - Relationships are the bonds you build between the tables. They join tables that have associated elements. To do this there is a field in each table, which is linked to each other, and have the same values.

Queries - Are the means of manipulating the data to display in a form or a report. Queries can sort, calculate, group, filter, join tables, update data, delete data, etc. Their power is immense. The Microsoft® Access database query language is SQL (Structured Query Language). The need to know SQL is not required in the early stages of learning Access. Microsoft® Access writes the SQL for you, after you tell it what you want, in the Design view of the queries window.

Forms - Forms are the primary interface through which the users of the database enter data. The person who enters the data will interact with forms regularly. The programmer can set the forms to show only the data required. By using queries, properties, macros and VBA (Visual Basic for Applications), the ability to add, edit and delete data can also be set. Forms can be set up and developed to reflect the use they will be required for.

Reports - Reports are the results of the manipulation of the data you have entered into the database. Unlike forms, they cannot be edited. Reports are intended to be used to output data to another device or application, i.e. printer, fax, Microsoft® Word or Microsoft® Excel.

Macros - Macros are an automatic way for Access to carry out a series of actions for the database. Access gives you a selection of actions that are carried out in the order you enter. Macros can open forms; run queries, change values of a field, run other Macros, etc. the list is almost endless.

Modules - Modules are the basis of the programming language that supports Microsoft® Access, The module window is where you can write and store Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). Advanced users of Microsoft® Access tend to use VBA instead of Macros. If you would like to learn VBA, I have a simple step by step lessons.
All of the above components are persistent; this means that changes are saved when you move from one component to another, not when the database is closed, as in a Microsoft® Word Document.
I hope the above give you a bit of an idea of what is Microsoft Access and what it includes.

Limitations - The total size of a database file (.MDB) is limited only by the storage capacity of your PC (Microsoft® quote the maximum database size of 2 Gigabyte (2000 Megabytes)). These figures are for pre 2007 versions of Microsoft Access.
Very few realistic limitations exist, though here are some parameters:

Maximum table size1 Gb
No. if fields in a record or table255
No. of indexes in a table or a record32
Ni. of fields in an index10
No. of tables in a query32
Maximum size of a form or report22"
Characters in a memo field64,000
MDB size2 Gb
Max Integer2,147,483,648
Concurrent Users255
No. of characters in object names64

What is Micorsoft Access as compared to a Relational Database

Now that you understand a bit of what is Microsoft Access. it is time to explain what a relational database is. The relational database was invented by E. F. Codd at IBM in 1970.The power of a relational database is the ability to bring a lot of information together quickly. I am not going into too much technical detail of what a relational database but hope to explain it in simple terms, so it is possibly not 100% technically accurate. To me these are the rules of a relational database:
  • No duplicate data (except linked fields - explained shortly)
  • Information is broken into categories
  • Data is broken down to the smallest useable bit. For example a persons name would be broken down into 4 sperate sections title, first name, middle name and last name.
  • Each record has a unique identifier, this distinguishes a particular record from any other record
To explain this I will give an example below:
For the purpose of this example, we will be looking at a Library data base from a relational database viewpoint. For a Library database we would want to collect the following information:

  • Information about the books;
  • Information about the borrowers;
  • Information about when a book was borrowed and by whom.
You may be tempted to include all this information within the one table. Once you start entering data the following occurs:
Non relational table example
Entering data this way requires multiple entries (and duplicate data in some of the columns)
This can lead to the following problems:
  • Data entry errors (see bolded items);
  • The user having to enter the same information over and over;
  • The database would grow very big, very quickly, causing it to run slower.
Therefore, to meet the rules of a relational database we would first break this one large table into smaller tables of like information (categories). As an example:
  • Table One (tblBook) would contain information about the books;
  • Table Two (tblBorrower) would contain information about the borrowers; and
  • Table Three (tblLoan) would contain information about the borrowing of a book.
The next step is to list all the facts you think are required for each of these tables underneath them.
I have included the examples below for each of the tables for the library database. The primary key and foreign key fields will be explained a bit later.

The fields have been broken down in to their smallest logical part. As an example, a person’s name has been broken down to:
  • Surname;
  • First name;
  • Title.
The information is only recorded once, i.e. we do not include all the information about the customer in the tblLoan table.
Relational Table Example

Primary Key - Unique Identifier
An important part of determining the fields for each table is deciding which field (if any) is suitable as the primary key.
The power of a relational database is the ability to bring a lot of information together quickly. For this to work efficiently and effectively, Microsoft® Access needs to be able to identify unique records. For this reason, one field or a set of fields needs to be unique. This can be a unique identification number such as a Medicare number, Employee ID number, Pension number, etc.: 
  • A primary key cannot contain duplicate values, e.g. a person’s last name is not suitable as a primary key as there is often more than one person with the same last name;
  • A primary key cannot contain null values, therefore a field such as a phone number is not suitable, as you may not know the person’s phone number when you first enter them into the database;
  • Also, if the information contained in the Primary Key is likely to be altered, then it is best to avoid this field as well.
If a unique identifier cannot be identified (which is more than likely), you can add a field, which will automatically increase sequentially by one, thus providing the record with a unique identifier.

Foreign Keys - The Foreign Key is the field that links a related table to the main table. As an example, in the library database, a borrower may appear many times in the ‘Loan’ table, as a borrower may borrow many books. A book may also occur many times in the ‘Loan’ table as a book can be borrowed many times. Therefore, the loan table would contain many links to a particular borrower and many links to a particular book, but each loan record would relate to only one book and one borrower. This is illustrated below:

  • The ‘tblBorrower’ table is linked to the ‘Loan’ table with the BorrowerID and BorrowerFK fields;
  • The ‘Book’ table is linked to the ‘Loan’ table with BookID and BookFK fields.

These fields are known as foreign keys (FK). Note: that only the ID field is kept in the loan table, no other information is needed from the borrower table or the book table. By setting up relationships between the tables, Microsoft Access knows which foreign key belongs to which primary key (unique identifier) and can pull the information from the relevant tables when needed.
So it some it all up. What is Microsoft Access, well it is a relational database found in the Microsoft Office suite.

WEEK 14 - Designing Database

Database design is the process of producing a detailed data model of a database. This logical data model contains all the needed logical and physical design choices and physical storage parameters needed to generate a design in a Data Definition Language, which can then be used to create a database. A fully attributed data model contains detailed attributes for each entity.

The design process consists of the following steps :

1) Determine the purpose of your database - This helps prepare you for the remaining steps.

2) Find and organize the information required - Gather all of the types of information you might want to record in the database, such as product name and order number.

3) Divide the information into tables - Divide your information items into major entities or subjects, such as Products or Orders. Each subject then becomes a table.

4) Turn information items into columns - Decide what information you want to store in each table. Each item becomes a field, and is displayed as a column in the table. For example, an Employees table might include fields such as Last Name and Hire Date.

5) Specify primary keys - Choose each table’s primary key. The primary key is a column that is used to uniquely identify each row. An example might be Product ID or Order ID.

6) Set up the table relationships - Look at each table and decide how the data in one table is related to the data in other tables. Add fields to tables or create new tables to clarify the relationships, as necessary.

7) Refine your design - Analyze your design for errors. Create the tables and add a few records of sample data. See if you can get the results you want from your tables. Make adjustments to the design, as needed.

8) Apply the normalization rules - Apply the data normalization rules to see if your tables are structured correctly. Make adjustments to the tables .

WEEK 13 - Data Management

Data management is the development and execution of architectures, policies, practices and procedures in order to manage the information lifecycle needs of an enterprise in an effective manner.

WEEK 12 - Exercise on Non-books Materials

Atlanta : sectional aeronautical [chart]
Washington : U.S.Department of Commerce, 1979
1map :  b & w ; 11 x 19 cm + 1book
Accompanies text : The student pilot’s flight manual : including night flying and emergency flying by reference to instrument.
1.Airplanes Piloting   2.Piloting

Metallogenic map of Burma [map]
Bangkok : Asian Institute of Technology, 1978
Accompanies Third Regional Conference on Geology anf Mineral Resources of Southeast Asia;
Edited by Prinya Nutalaya
1.Burma Metallurgy
I.Nutalaya, Prinya

WEEK 11 - DBMS (advantages & disadvantages)

Advantages of DBMS
1) Reduction of Redundancies - avoid unnecessary duplication data and minimizing the storage of data.
2) Sharing Data - allows the sharing of data under its control by any number of application and users.
3) Data Integrity - data contained acurate and consistency.
4) Data Security - ensure that proper access procedures are followed, including proper authentication schemes for access to DBMS and additional checks before permitting access to sensitive data.
5) Conflict Resolution - permitting less critical applications to continue to use the database.
6) Data Independence - allows changes in the physical storage devices

Disadvantages of DBMS

A significant disadvantage of the DBMS system is cost. In addition to the cost of purchasing ordeveloping the software, the hardware has to be upgraded to allow for the extensive programs and the workspaces required for their execution and storage. The processing overhead introduced by theDBMS to implement security, integrity, and sharing of the data causes a degradation of the responseand through-put times. An additional cost is that of migration from a traditionally separateapplication environment to an integrated one.
While centralization reduces duplication, the lack of duplication requires that the database beadequately backed up so that in the case of failure the data can be recovered. Backup and recoveryoperations are fairly complex in a DBMS environment, and this is exacerbated in a concurrent multiuser database system. In further a database system requires a certain amount of controlledredundancies and duplication to enable access to related data items.Centralization also means that the data is accessible from a single source namely the database. Thisincreases the potential severity of security breaches and disruption of the operation of theorganization because of downtimes and failures. The replacement of a monolithic centralizeddatabase by a federation of independent and cooperating distributed databases resolves some of theproblems resulting from failures and downtimes.


CD 1

Pendidikan seni visual tingkatan 4 dan 5 : Catan
Kuala Lumpur : Bahagian Teknologi Pendidikan, 2005
1CD; bwn; Microsoft Windows 98 dan ke atas, sekurang-kurangnya 32MB
Mengutarakan definisi, sejarah dan penerangan tentang cat air, pengenalan contoh-contoh bergambar, latihan dan aktiviti memadanmakn gambar serta penilaian yang menguji minda.
1.PENDIDIKAN SENI    2.CATAN    3.Bahagian Teknologi pendidikan


Kemahiran hidup bersepadu tahun 4 : Elektrik.
Kuala Lumpur : Bahagian Teknologi Pendidikan, 2003
1CD; bwn; Microsoft Windows 98 dan ke atas, sekurang-kurangnya 32MB
Menghuraikan penerangan dan latihan kaedah penyambungan litar elektrik, beberapa soalan tutorial dan aktivit pengayaan mengenai litar elektrik.
1.KEMAHIRAN HIDUP    2.ELEKTRIK   3.Bahagian Teknologi Pendidikan


A DBMS is a software system that enables users to define, create and maintain a database. The DBMS also enforces necessary access restrictions and security measures in order to protect the database.

The DBMS also has the job of controlling access to database. Various types of control systems within the DBMS make sure that the database continues to function properly:

- Integrity system
- Security system
- Concurrency control system
- Recovery control system

Many DBMSs enable "views" of the database to be defined. A view is how the database appears to a certain user. Views offer the benefit of only having to show relevant information to different types of users and it increases security as certain users will not be able to see data which they are not meant to see. Views can also decrease the perceived complexity of the database from the user's point of view.


Procedure : Cataloging Books with Accompanying Non-Book Materials


This cataloging procedure covers the cataloging of books which are accompanied by one or more non-book items. It does not cover non-book materials with accompanying material (such as a computer file with user guide or a sound recording with substantial program notes), though much of the technical information is the same.


-Use OCLC acceptable book copy for Fastcat cataloging
-Cataloging should have the following fields/information:
007 fixed field for accompanying material
Add if not present. See MARC documentation for guidelines on how to construct an 007 field for the appropriate format
300 |e field which describes the accompanying material, including how many pieces and their dimensions
-If a 300 |e is not present in the record you have, then either reject the record as a match or ask whether the |e should be added.
-If a 300 |e is present in the record, make sure it reflects the type and number of pieces you have, and appears in the form in the examples below.
For example:
300  bb   xli, 740 p. :|bill. ;|c23 cm. +|e2  computer optical discs (4 3/4 in.)
 300  bb   xiv, 706 p. :|bill. ;|c24 cm. +|e1  computer disk (3 1/2 in.)
 300  bb   xvi, 378 p. of music ;|c23 cm. +|e1  sound disc (digital ; 4 3/4 in.)
 300  bb   xxii, 691 p. :|bill. ;|c24 cm. +|e1  videodisc (sd., col. ; 4 3/4 in.)
 300  bb   iii, 39 p. :|bill. ;|c28 cm. +|e1  map (84 x 54 cm. folded to 14 x 18 cm.)
Use only terms from the following list in the 300 |e. Change terms in cataloging to match this list. See glossary for definitions of terms.

VHS tapesvideocassette
DVCam tapesvideocassette
Laser discsvideodisc
floppy diskcomputer disk
CD-ROMcomputer optical disc
DVD-ROMcomputer optical disc
CD(music or spoken)sound disc
cassette tapessound cassette
538 - system requirements note
Books with accompanying computer files should have a 538 note describing the system requirements of the computer files, if that information is clearly available. Add, if possible. See AACRII Rule 9.7B1 for specific instructions on how to construct a system requirements note.
Basic example (all this information should appear on the disc or somewhere in the book):
538  bb  System requirements for accompanying  disc: Windows or Macintosh operating system; 32 MB RAM; CD-ROM drive; 800 X 600  resolution; sound card and speakers; Internet Explorer 4.0 or greater  (preferred) or Netscape 4.0 or greater.

Processing Issues

Item records

Item record creation-- how many item records to make

  • For materials whose parts are housed, circulated, and inventoried together, create a single item record
  • For materials whose parts are housed, circulated, or inventoried separately, create separate item records for each part

    How to decide whether materials should be housed together

    • If material is for Feldberg or Kresge, always make a single item record.
    • If material is for Music, always make separate item records, except for software packages and scores/parts, which should have only one item record.
    • If material is for Art, Baker/Berry stacks, Baker/Berry Ref., or Cook, always make separate item records and send the non-book material to Jones Media Center, except for books with maps or floppy disks in pockets, which should have only one item record.
    • Otherwise, if bibliographer has indicated a preference, follow that preference.
    • Otherwise, if parts are clearly bound together,make a single item record (e.g. maps in pocket, fiche in pocket, software package consisting of user guide plus diskettes)


      If text and non-book materials are separated, the non-book items should class with the collection in which they are shelved. For example:
      • A video going to Jones Media Center classes in an accession number
      • A sound cassette going to Jones Media Center classes in an accession number
      • But, a sound cassette going to Music classes in an Library of Congress classification number

      Specific contents of the item record

      One item record for all pieces

      • ITYPE of predominant piece (300|a)
      • LOCATION
      • Call number, if not in the bibliographic record, or if different from the call number in the bibliographic record (950|b) -- remember to use the appropriate indicator for the type of call number you are using
      • Barcode (950|z)

      Separate item records -- individual piece item records

      • ITYPE of piece (see note, below, for ITYPEs for accompanying material shelved in Jones Media **
      • LOCATION of piece
      • Call number of piece, if not in the bibliographic record (950|b)
      • Description of piece (950|v)
      • Barcode (950|z)
      Add an IMESSAGE = m to item records for books (including theses) that include magnetic media. See glossary for list of magnetic formats.
      **NOTE: all non-book materials that are separated from the books they accompany and sent to Jones Media will have an Itype of "58", called "attached media" in the Innopac code list. This is regardless of the type of non-book material, and of the location of the accompanying book. The intention is to establish loan rules for this Itype that will allow the non-book materials to circulate for the same amount of time as the books they accompany. The books will continue to get an Itype of "0".
      This does not affect any location other than Jones Media, nor does it affect non-book materials that go to Jones with a guide (i.e. CD-ROM with user's guide).

      Terms to use in 950 |v

      For non-book pieces

      compact disc003disc
      magnetic tape011tape

      For print items

      Try to be consistent with 300 and 500 fields. Some suggestions:
      • text
      • guide
      • booklet
      • pamphlet
      • manual
      • suppl.
      • atlas
      • addendum


      When the piece contains two formats that share the same term (i.e. compact disc with an accompanying DVD), adjust the term in item and holdings records to describe the formats more precisely. This should only be done when it is necessary to distinguish between two formats.
      Bibliographic Record:
      300  1 sound disc :|bdigital ;|c4 3/4 in +|e1 videodisc (sd., b&w with 1  col. sequence ; 4 3/4 in.)
      compact disc003sound disc

      Binding Issues

      As a rule, use one yellow binding slip for each distinct location/call no./volume.
      For books bound with non-book material (in pocket or together in an enclosure), fill out the section on the binding slip for loose materials:
      • Check "Attach to piece (pocket or other)" if Preservation needs to create a pocket.
      • Check "Add the following sticker(s)/ Do not desensitize" for accompanying floppy disks, sound cassettes and videocassettes
      • Check "Add the following sticker(s)/ Count__________" and fill in the number and description of accompanying pieces. For instance:
        • Count 2 computer disk(s)
        • Count 1 sound disc
        • Count 18 maps
      If the loose pieces need to be marked, generate labels for each piece.
      For Baker/Berry books accompanied by magnetic computer diskettes (DOS/Windows or Macintosh), write "Needs backup disk" in the comments in the Comments section of the binding slip. Preservation staff will create a backup copy of these disks as part of their processing.
      For Art, Baker/Berry stacks, Baker/Berry Ref., or Cook titles where the book goes to stacks and the accompanying piece goes to the Jones Media Center, and for Paddock titles, where the book and accompanying material go to separate locations, check the appropriate boxes on the binding slip to request that Preservation add a "Check the catalog..." sticker on each piece. For example:
      __X__ Add the following sticker(s)
      _____ Do not de-sensitize
      __X__ Check catalog for additional material
      _____ Count ________________________


      Example 1. Book with disc in pocket

      B28765655             Last updated: 10-02-01 Created: 07-17-01 Revision: 10
      01 LANG: eng       03 LOCATION: aaaa  05 MAT TYPE: m     07 BIB STATUS: -   
      02 SKIP: 0         04 CAT DA:09-04-01 06 SOURCE: p       08 COUNTRY: mau    
      09 001     ocm46359412
      10 003     OCoLC
      11 006     m        d        
      12 007     co|ugu        
      13 008     010226s2001    maua     b    001 0 eng  cam a 
      14 010     2001030410
      15 020     0072393424
      16 020     0072451610 (CD-ROM)
      17 040     DLC|cDLC|dC#P|dNhD
      18 049     DRBB
      19 050  00 TK453|b.K26 2002
      20 100  1  Kasap, S. O.|q(Safa O.)
      21 245  10 Principles of electronic materials and devices /|cS.O. Kasap.
      22 246  30 Electronic materials and devices
      23 250     2nd ed.
      24 260     Boston :|bMcGraw-Hill,|cc2002.
      25 300     xv, 745 p. :|bill. ;|c24 cm. +|e1 computer optical disc (4 3/4 in.)
      26 500     Rev. ed. of: Principles of electrical engineering materials and 
      devices. 2000.
      27 504     Includes bibliographical references and index.
      28 538     System requirements: Windows 95, 98, NT, ME or 2000; or Macintosh 
      Power PC, OS 8 or newer.
      29 650   0 Electric engineering|xMaterials.
      30 650   0 Electric apparatus and appliances.
      31 700  1  Kasap, S. O.|q(Safa O.).|tPrinciples of electrical engineering 
      materials and devices.
      32 948     LTI 09/26/2001
      33 955     |u+l
      34 998     |ckgk
      I33507818             Last updated: 10-12-01 Created: 08-27-01 Revision: 6
      01 COP#: 1         07 DUE DATE:  -  - 13 ODUE DAT:  -  - 19 LOANRULE: 0     
      02 ICODE1: 0       08 PATRON#: 0      14 IUSE3: 0        20 STATUS: -       
      03 ICODE2: -       09 LPATRON:1035947 15 RECAL DA:  -  - 21 INTL USE : 0    
      04 I TYPE: 0       10 LCHKIN:10-12-01 16 TOT CHKOUT: 1   22 COPY USE: 0     
      05 PRICE: $0.00    11 # RENEWALS: 0   17 TOT RENEW: 0    23 IMESSAGE: -     
      06 OUT DATE:  -  - 12 # OVERDUE: 0    18 LOC: feld       24 OPACMSG:        
      25 950     |z33311017364292 

      Example 2. Book with compact disc shelved in separate locations

      B28854378             Last updated: 11-20-01 Created: 09-18-01 Revision: 8
      01 LANG: eng       03 LOCATION: aaaa  05 MAT TYPE: m     07 BIB STATUS: -   
      02 SKIP: 0         04 CAT DA:10-31-01 06 SOURCE: p       08 COUNTRY: wau    
      09 001     ocm44406121
      10 003     OCoLC
      11 006     jfmn              
      12 007     sd fsngnnmmned
      13 008     000522s2001    waua     bkq  001 0 eng  cam a 
      14 010     00042308
      15 020     0295980303 (alk. paper)
      17 040     DLC|cDLC|dC#P|dNhD
      18 049     DRBB
      19 050  00 ML3758.M6|bP45 2001
      20 100  1  Pegg, Carole.
      21 245  10 Mongolian music, dance, & oral narrative :|bperforming diverse 
      identities /|cCarole Pegg.
      22 246  3  Mongolian music, dance, and oral narrative
      23 260     Seattle :|bUniversity of Washington Press,|cc2001.
      24 300     xvii, 376 p. :|bill. ;|c25 cm. +|e1 sound disc (digital ; 4 3/4
      25 504     Includes bibliographical references (p. 333-358), discography (p. 
      358-360), filmography (p. 360), and index.
      26 650   0 Folk music|zMongolia|xHistory and criticism.
      28 650   0 Ethnology|zMongolia.
      30 650   0 Musical instruments|zMongolia.
      32 651   0 Mongolia|xSocial life and customs.
      34 948     LTI 11/12/2001
      35 955     |u+l
      36 998     |cdxd
      I33686750             Last updated: 10-31-01 Created: 10-30-01 Revision: 2
      01 COP#: 1         07 DUE DATE:  -  - 13 ODUE DAT:  -  - 19 LOANRULE: 0
      02 ICODE1: 0       08 PATRON#: 0      14 IUSE3: 0        20 STATUS: -
      03 ICODE2: -       09 LPATRON: 0      15 RECAL DA:  -  - 21 INTL USE : 0
      04 I TYPE: 0       10 LCHKIN:   -  -  16 TOT CHKOUT: 0   22 COPY USE: 0
      05 PRICE: $0.00    11 # RENEWALS: 0   17 TOT RENEW: 0    23 IMESSAGE: -
      06 OUT DATE:  -  - 12 # OVERDUE: 0    18 LOC: padd       24 OPACMSG:
      25 950     |vtext
      26 950     |z33311017364631
      I33686762             Last updated: 10-31-01 Created: 10-30-01 Revision: 2
      01 COP#: 1         07 DUE DATE:  -  - 13 ODUE DAT:  -  - 19 LOANRULE: 0
      02 ICODE1: 0       08 PATRON#: 0      14 IUSE3: 0        20 STATUS: -
      03 ICODE2: -       09 LPATRON: 0      15 RECAL DA:  -  - 21 INTL USE : 0
      04 I TYPE: 3       10 LCHKIN:   -  -  16 TOT CHKOUT: 0   22 COPY USE: 0
      05 PRICE: $0.00    11 # RENEWALS: 0   17 TOT RENEW: 0    23 IMESSAGE: -
      06 OUT DATE:  -  - 12 # OVERDUE: 0    18 LOC: paddc      24 OPACMSG:
      25 950     |vdisc
      26 950     |z33311019203852

      Example 3. Book with "floppy" disk in pocket

      B28725426             Last updated: 10-02-01 Created: 06-19-01 Revision: 10
      01 LANG: eng       03 LOCATION: aaaa  05 MAT TYPE: m     07 BIB STATUS: -
      02 SKIP: 0         04 CAT DA:07-05-01 06 SOURCE: p       08 COUNTRY: nyu
      09 001     ocm46462873
      10 003     OCoLC
      11 006     m        b
      12 007     cj uau---a
      13 008     010308s2001    nyua     b    001 0 eng  pam a
      14 010     2001028398
      15 020     0824705076 (alk. paper)
      16 040     DLC|cDLC|dYDX|dNhD
      17 049     DRBB
      18 050  00 QC385.2.D47|bL35 2001
      19 100  1  Laikin, Milton,|d1930-
      20 245  10 Lens design /|cMilton Laikin.
      21 246  1  |iTitle on disk:|aOptics programs
      22 250     3rd ed., rev. and expanded.
      23 260     New York :|bMarcel Dekker,|cc2001.
      24 300     xx, 474 p. :|bill. ;|c24 cm +|e1 computer disk (3 1/2 in.).
      25 490  1  Optical engineering ;|v27
      26 504     Includes bibliographical references and index.
      27 538     System requirements for accompanying computer disk: PC; MS-DOS
      operating system.
      28 650   0 Lenses|xDesign and construction.
      29 830   0 Optical engineering (Marcel Dekker, Inc.) ;|vv. 27.
      30 948     LTI 08/21/2001
      31 955     |u+l
      32 998     |cdxd
      I3320584x             Last updated: 07-25-01 Created: 06-29-01 Revision: 4
      01 COP#: 1         07 DUE DATE:  -  - 13 ODUE DAT:  -  - 19 LOANRULE: 0
      02 ICODE1: 0       08 PATRON#: 0      14 IUSE3: 0        20 STATUS: -
      03 ICODE2: -       09 LPATRON:1015955 15 RECAL DA:  -  - 21 INTL USE : 0
      04 I TYPE: 0       10 LCHKIN:07-25-01 16 TOT CHKOUT: 1   22 COPY USE: 0
      05 PRICE: $0.00    11 # RENEWALS: 0   17 TOT RENEW: 0    23 IMESSAGE: m
      06 OUT DATE:  -  - 12 # OVERDUE: 0    18 LOC: kres       24 OPACMSG:
      25 950     |z33311017360480

      A Cataloger's Brief Glossary of Terminology for Non-print Materials

      Term Definition MARC tag influenced Magnetic Media?
      CDAcronym for compact disc. A disc on which sound is recorded digitally. A type of sound recording.NO
      CD-ROMAcronym for "compact disc read-only memory," a form of storage characterized by high storage capacity and the use of laser optics rather than magnetic means for reading data. Term used for item types and locations. A type of computer file.NO
      Computer optical disc Term used to refer to CD-ROMs and DVD-ROMs300 |a & |eNO
      Compact discSee CD. Term used for item types and locations. A type of sound recording.NO
      Computer discA round, flat piece of nonmagnetic, shiny metal designed to be read from and written to by optical (laser) technology. Common examples are CDs and CD-ROMs.NO
      Computer diskAlso called a floppy disk. A round, flat piece of flexible plastic (floppy disk) coated with a magnetic material that stores information. Housed in a square envelope (5 1/4″) or hard plastic (3 1/4″) cartridge. A type of computer file.YES
      DisketteSee disk. Term used for item types and locations. A type of computer file.YES
      DVDOriginally meant digital videodisc, now digital versatile disc. A digital storage medium for feature length videos (average 133 minutes). Generally displays better than videodiscs/ videocassettes and has more features such as multiple languages. A type of videorecording.NO
      DVD-ROMAcronym for "digital versatile disc read-only memory." A computer disc (designed to be played/run on a computer) similar to the CD-ROM, but with a much greater storage capacity. A type of computer file.NO
      Electronic resourceA file (data and/or programs) encoded for manipulation by computer.245 |hvaries (see under specific type)
      Floppy diskSee computer disk.YES
      LaserdiscSee videodiscNO
      Magnetic diskSee computer disk.YES
      Optical discSee computer optical disc.NO
      PhonodiscAn audio recording on a thin, flat disc, usually made of vinyl, on which is impressed a continuous fine spiral groove carrying recorded sounds. Common playing speed is 33 1/2 rpm, usually with a 12 inch diameter. Also called phonograph record, phono-record, or simply record. A type of sound recording.NO
      PhonotapeSee sound cassette. Used as item type and for location purposes. A type of sound recording.YES
      Sound cassetteUsed to record and playback sound. A closed container of magnetic tape with both supply and take-up spools, designed so that it needs merely to be inserted into a suitable tape recorder/ player for use. A type of sound recording.300 |a & |eYES
      Sound discSee CD.300 |a & |eNO
      Sound recordingA recording on which sound vibrations have been registered by mechanical or electrical means so that the sound may be reproduced. Includes both musical and non-musical sound recordings.245 |hVARIES
      (see under specific type)
      VCDVideo CD. A digital movie format (basically a primitive DVD), which can only hold ca. 70 minutes of video so for a typical movie you would need 2 VCDs. Can be played using a video CD player connected to a TV or using a fast PC with CD-ROM drive. A type of videorecording.NO
      VideocassetteA magnetic tape on which audio and video signals are recorded. It is permanently encased in plastic and winds and rewinds from reel to reel. A type of videorecording.300 |a & |eYES
      Video CDSee VCD.NO
      VideodiscA flat disc of plastic or other material on which video signals are recorded. Videodiscs range in diameter from 3 in. to 12 in. and include the ca. 4 3/4 in. (12 cm.) DVD and video CD. A type of videorecording.300 |a & |eNO
      VideorecordingA recording in which electronic signals of visual images, usually in motion and accompanied by sound, have been registered. Video is generally designed for playback utilizing a monitor. Includes videocassettes, VCD's, DVD's, and videodiscs.245 |hVARIES (see under specific type)
      Definitions compiled from resources including: AACR2. Archival Moving Image Materials: A Cataloging Manual Second edition.The ALA Glossary of Library and Information Science , 1983.Webopedia ( And other resources.

      Monday, October 24, 2011


      There are 4 sources of notation for building numbers which includes 7 table as per below :
      Table 1 -  Standards subdiviosion
      Table 2 - Geographic areas, historical periods, persons
      Table 3 - Subdivision for individual literatures for specific literary forms.
      Table 4 - Subdivision of individual languaage
      Table 5 - Racil, ethnic, national group
      Table 6 - Language
      Table 7 - Groups of person

      Monday, October 17, 2011

      Week 06 - CLASSIFICATION

      What are classification systems? Why do we need them? A structured organizer used to determine groups based on similar characteristics.

      At the most basic level this is what a classification system is, items that have been compartmentalised or categories in a particular structure that allows the user of the classification system to see the items in a particular content

      Dewey Decimal Classification is a system of library classification made up of ten classes, each divided into ten divisions, each having ten sections (although there are only 99 of 100 division)

      The Ten Main classes of Dewey Decimal Classification are :
      000-099 – Computer science, information & general works

      100-199 – Philosophy and psychology

      200-299 – Religion

      300-399 – Social sciences

      400-499 – Language

      500-599 – Science

      600-699 – Technology

      700-799 – Arts

      800-899 – Literature

      900-999 – History, geography, (& biography)

      The details of the ten small devition and section, kindly refer to:

      Week 05 - SUBJECT HEADING

      Book 1

      Flannes, Steven W.
             Essential people skills for project managers / Steven W. Flannes, Ginger Levin. – Vienna : Management Concepts, c2005.

      xxi, 181p.; 22cm.

      Includes bibliographical references and index.
      ISBN 1-56726-168

      1.Project management. 2.Personnel management. 3.Emotional intelligence. 4.Social intelligence.
      I.Levin, Ginger II.Title.

      Book 2

      Shipka, Barbara.
             Leadership in a challenging world : a sacred journey / Barbara Shipka. – Washington: Butterworth Heinemann, c1997.

      xxix, 220p.; 21cm.

      Includes bibliographical references, ill. and index.
      ISBN 0-7506-9750-4

      1.Leadership. 2.ManagementI.Title.

      Monday, October 3, 2011

      Week 04 - AACR2

      Induction Set : Presentation of ISBD to refresh on previous lesson.

      What is AACR2??
      AACR2 stands for the Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules, Second Edition. It is published jointly by the American Library Association, the Canadian Library Association, and the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals in the UK. The editor is Michael Gorman, a British-born librarian living in the Chicago area and honored by both the ALA and CILIP. AACR2 is designed for use in the construction of catalogues and other lists in general libraries of all sizes. The rules cover the description of, and the provision of access points for, all library materials commonly collected at the present time.
      Despite the claim to be 'Anglo-American', the first edition of AACR was published in 1967 in somewhat distinct North American and British texts. The second edition of 1978 unified the two sets of rules (adopting the British spelling 'cataloguing') and brought them in line with the International Standard Bibliographic Description. Libraries wishing to migrate from the previous North American text were obliged to implement 'desuperimposition', a substantial change in the form of headings for corporate bodies.
      AACR2 exists in several print versions, as well as an online version. Gorman has edited several revisions of AACR2 including a concise edition. Print versions are available from the publishers. The online version is available only via Cataloger's Desktop from the Library of Congress. Various translations are also available from other sources.
      Principles of AACR include cataloguing from the item 'in hand' rather than inferring information from external sources and the concept of the 'chief source of information' which is preferred where conflicts exist.
      Over the years AACR2 has been updated by occasional amendments, and was significantly revised in 1988 (2nd edition, 1988 revision) and 2002 (2nd edition, 2002 revision). The 2002 revision included substantial changes to sections for non-book materials. A schedule of annual updates began in 2003 and ceased with 2005.
      AACR2 has been succeeded by Resource Description and Access (commonly referred to as RDA), which was released in June 2010. This new code is informed by the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records and was conceived to be a framework more flexible and suitable for use in a digital environment. In the fall of 2010, the Library of Congress, National Library of Medicine, National Agricultural Library, and several other institutions and national libraries of other English-speaking countries performed a formal test of RDA, the results of which were released in June 2011

      Monday, September 26, 2011


      3 MAIN AREAS in catalog record are :
          1) Descriptive - book physically (height of the book)
          2) Subject - Bidang / Major, referring to content (berkaitan dgn content buku..)
          3) Classification - arrangement onshelf... Once classification done, then we're able to built=up or create the call number and make it easy to acces on th shelf...

      What is the different of JILID & NASKHAH?
        Jilid - volume of de book. For example ; encyclopedia... Jilid 1, Jilid 2, Jilid 3, Jilid 4, Jilid 5... Each of the jilid with different content but still in de same subject / bidang...
        Naskahah - Copy of the book. 1book with same content in every single words but in a few copy of book.. For example Copy 1, Copy 2, Copy 3, Copy 4, Copy 5... There are 5 copy of books with same tittle and content...

      DESCRIPTIVE LEVEL got 3level which is level 1, level 2, and level 3. however the standars that has been used is level 2.

      2nd level of description :

      Title proper [GMD] = Parallel title : other title information / first statement of responsibility ; each subsequent
      statement of responsibility. – Edition statement. – Materials (or type of publication) specific details. – First place of publication : first publisher, etc., date of publication, etc. – Extent of item : other physical details ; dimensions. – (Title proper of series) – Note(s). – Standard number

      Book 1
      Reka bentuk sistem kawalan / A.Frank D'Souza; Penyunting Terjemahan Che Mat Hadzer Mahmud - Pulau Pinang : Penerbit USM, 1997.

      xvii, 472p; ill; index; 24cm


      Book 2

      Housing crisis back to a humanistic agenda/ Mohamad Tajuddin Mohamad Rasdi - Skudai, Johor : Penerbit UTM, 2007

      vii, 105p; reff.; index; 24cm


      Book 3

      Week 02 : A discussion on last week assignment

      Discussing on the assignment regarding to the LESTARI PSZ website.
      More on book accesing in the library through OPAC System.

      Week 01

      Course introduction by En.Razak....